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The 25 best bug report templates on the internet

We've gathered and/or created 25 of the most highly requested free bug report templates on the internet to help streamline your team's bug reporting, triaging and prioritizing process. This is currently the internet’s largest single collection of bug report templates, and we’re not done yet! We'll be regularly adding more templates over the next few months, so be sure to save this page and check back often to find the perfect template for your team. Plus, feel free to request any new incident report templates that we may have missed! Simply join our Slack to request a new template by clicking here.

What are bug reports?

Debug any issue down to the line of code
and make sure it never happens again.

A bug report is a document that describes a problem or error that a software developer needs to fix. It usually includes information about the environment in which the bug was found, the steps needed to reproduce the bug, and the expected results versus the actual results.

What’s the difference between bugs and incidents?

The primary difference between a bug and an incident is that an incident is an unplanned interruption typically (but not always) stemming from a software error - it’s terminology primarily used by product managers and carries a higher sense of urgency due to the fact that it directly impacts customers. Bugs on the other hand are shorthand used by developers for any defect found either by a user or in testing. We’ll be using the term “bug report” primarily here, since the difference is determined by the significance to actual users and the level of urgency places behind the fix - but otherwise, the reporting process is identical.

Bug report templates are pre-designed documents that provide a standardized format for writing a bug report. These templates often include fields for the title, a description of the problem, steps to reproduce the bug, and other relevant information.

Quality Assurance templates, or QA templates, are similar to bug report templates, but they’re used to document the testing process in general, rather than just the reporting of bugs. At various organizations, QA takes different forms - sometimes companies have dedicated QA departments with QA engineers, and other times product managers and/or engineers are responsible for QA.

To reproduce a bug means to follow a set of steps to see the error or problem for oneself, so that the developer tasked with debugging can understand and fix it. To reproduce a bug, a QA tester needs to follow a set of steps that are designed to show the error or problem called steps to reproduce. These steps should be detailed and specific, but they should be written in as clear and concise a manner as possible. It’s important to include enough information that the developer attempting to reproduce the bug can understand what to do, but not so much information that it becomes confusing or overwhelming.

Here’s an example of how someone might reproduce a bug:

  1. Open the software program.
  2. Click on the "File" menu and select "Open."
  3. In the "Open" dialog box, navigate to a specific file and select it.
  4. Click the "Open" button.

Expected result: The file should open in the software program.

Actual result: The software program crashes.

In this example, the developer reproducing the bug would follow these steps to reproduce in order to see the problem for themselves. If the bug can be reproduced, QA can then report it to the developer, along with any additional information that may be helpful in fixing the bug.

Bug tickets are essentially the same thing as bug reports. The term "ticket" is often used to describe a bug report that is entered into a bug tracking system, which is a software tool that helps developers keep track of and manage bugs.

Realizing your product has a bug can be annoying or even terrifying – they can be baffling, mysterious, and extremely harmful to your brand. Describing what happened in a way that gives developers everything they need to know to fix it can be an intimidating task if you don’t have a good game plan.

Now, imagine someone has run into an issue with your app or site, and now you need to record what happened so your team can fix it.

You could send something to your devs that looks like this:

“Checkout broken” [and a generic screenshot of the checkout screen]

Your devs hate bug reports like this. This tells them nothing about what broke, what caused it to break, or how they can replicate the issue. You need to give your devs enough context that they can replicate the bug to figure out what (if anything) went wrong. But you don’t want to swamp your devs with irrelevant information.

How do you make sure you give devs exactly what they need to diagnose and fix a problem?

What makes a great bug report template?

When reporting a bug, you need to communicate to your team what led to a bug so they can replicate it, figure out what caused it, and fix it. More often than not, you’re not privy to what caused the issue or exactly what information is valuable for getting to the bottom of the issue. You’re just the messenger. You’ll need to report everything a developer might need to know without making reading the bug report more work for your developers than fixing the bug.

Thankfully, writing a good bug report is more science than it is art – after hundreds of hours of research, here's how PlayerZero structures reports:

The ideal bug report
The ideal bug report

What's Included:

Bug ID

This makes referring to the bug and keeping track of its status much easier. While it doesn’t particularly matter what format this takes, it’s crucial to make sure you’re consistent with whatever bug identification system your team uses.

Bug title

A good bug title briefly summarizes what the bug is so someone who sees the bug report immediately gets a rough idea of what happened and who should be assigned the issue. You should aim to keep these as clear and concise as possible.

Bug reporter

Who is reporting the bug? This ensures that your devs know who to ask for more information or clarification.

Date/time issue occurred

This information can be useful for determining if the bug is related to any recent changes that were made to the system, if it's related to specific time of the day or week, and also helps to track the recurrence of the issue. Additionally, it can help to identify any patterns or trends in when the bug occurs, which can aid in reproducing and fixing the bug. Without this information, it may be more difficult for developers to understand the circumstances under which the bug occurred, which can make it harder to diagnose and fix the issue.

Platform/browser used (ie. metadata)

This is crucial information for replicating an issue if compatibility with an operating system or browser is partly to blame for the issue. Including the platform and browser an issue occurred on in a bug report is important because it helps developers to understand the environment in which the bug occurred.

Different platforms and browsers have different capabilities and configurations, which can affect the behavior of the system. By including this information, developers can quickly identify if the issue is specific to a certain platform or browser, and can test and reproduce the bug in the same environment. This can save time and resources for the development team, as they can focus on resolving the bug for that specific environment. Additionally, it can help developers to verify if the issue is related to the browser or the platform, and make a decision on how to proceed with the bug fixing process. Without this information, developers may spend more time trying to reproduce the bug on different platforms and browsers, which can delay the bug resolution process.

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce are where you need to recount what was supposed to happen, what actually happened, and all the relevant actions leading up to the issue. Steps to reproduce a bug might look something like this:

  1. Go to
  2. Begin the onboarding process
  3. Select “I Write Code” in step #3
  4. Click Enter

When you’re writing your own steps to reproduce, it’s important to write the steps across several lines (one step per line) to help delineate different actions for the engineer(s) you’ll be sending the report to. You need to reduce the number of overall steps until only the most crucial ones are represented - this saves both your time and your developer’s. We've simplified this process so you don't have to answer the questions we've heard over and over:

FAQ 1: “How detailed should I be?”

You want to be thorough but concise; don’t give your devs more work by writing a novel.

FAQ 2: “Which details might matter?”

Make sure the details you include are the right ones. Whether a user had logged in then logged back out might matter, but the fact that they chose purple shoes instead of blue ones likely doesn’t. You need to answer: what went wrong? What’s the problem? And, what does it prevent your users from doing?

Visual media

Screenshots are invaluable for helping devs understand where a problem occurred and what might have caused it. Recordings are even better; if you can record yourself reproducing the issue, the dev has a great chance of either reproducing it themselves or at least determining that some behind the scenes factor not captured on the recording is crucial to understanding the cause of the bug.

Including visual media, such as screenshots or videos, in a bug report can be extremely helpful for several reasons:

  1. It allows developers to quickly understand the issue and its context, which can save time and effort in identifying and reproducing the bug.
  2. It can provide important information that may be difficult to describe in text, such as the location or layout of elements on a screen.
  3. It can help to clearly demonstrate the problem and its severity, which can aid in prioritizing the bug and determining a solution.
  4. It can also help to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page, as visual media can help to clearly communicate the issue to those who may not be familiar with the code or system.

Overall, visual media can greatly enhance the effectiveness of a bug report and make it easier for developers to find and fix the issue.

Priority and severity

How urgent is this bug, and how significantly does it affect your application? This helps your team prioritize issues. Priority refers to the order in which a bug should be fixed, with high priority bugs being fixed before low priority bugs. Severity refers to the impact that the bug has on the system or the user, with severe bugs having a greater impact than less severe bugs. By including this information in a bug report, developers can quickly understand the urgency and importance of a bug, which helps them triage and fix bugs more efficiently.

Technical context

Full devtools, giving devs what they need to see under the hood. PlayerZero automatically captures all the context your developers need to reproduce and squash any bug that shows up in your application:

  1. Metadata reports are crucial to include in a bug reporting template because they provide important information about the context in which the bug occurred. This information can be used to identify patterns and trends in the bugs, which can help to prioritize and address them more effectively. This information can be used to identify common causes of bugs and determine which bugs are the most critical to resolve. It can also help to identify which areas of the software are most prone to bugs and need more attention from the development team. Overall, including metadata in bug reports can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the bug tracking and resolution process.
  2. DOM snapshots (Document Object Model snapshots) are crucial to include in a QA reporting template because they provide a visual representation of the state of the website or application at the time the bug occurred. This can be useful for developers to understand the context in which the bug occurred, and to reproduce the bug.
  3. Network calls are crucial to include in a bug reporting template because they provide information about the communication between the client (e.g. web browser, mobile app) and the server. This information can be used to understand the cause of the bug and to reproduce it. Network calls can include information such as the request and response headers, the request payload, and the response payload. This information can be used to understand the data that is being sent and received by the client and server, which can help to identify if the bug is related to data being sent or received incorrectly.
  4. Chrome console logs are crucial to include in a QA reporting template because they provide information about the JavaScript code that is being executed in the browser. The information console logs provide can be used to understand the behavior of the application, identify errors and exceptions, and reproduce the bug.

Conversation and activity log

For those participating in the debugging process to refer back to at any point. Conversation and activity logs are crucial to include in a bug reporting template because they provide information about the context and history of the bug. This information can be used to understand the cause of the bug and to reproduce it.

QA reporting is an entire skill unto itself – you have to remember what happened (or be very good at asking questions to help a user remember what happened), understand what information is and isn’t relevant to developers, and convey that information clearly and concisely in a tone your devs will be receptive to.

We at PlayerZero think manual bug reporting should be a thing of the past, so we’ve built a tool that does the job of reporting bugs with full context for you…

Free bug reporting templates:

How will using a template increase your efficiency?

Using a bug report template can increase your reporting and tracking efficiency by providing a consistent and standardized format for reporting bugs. This can help to ensure that all the necessary information we listed above is included in the report. This can also help to reduce the time and effort needed to triage and resolve bugs, as developers who have all the information they need to quickly reproduce and fix an issue tend to close out bugs significantly faster than those who don’t. Additionally, a template can help to ensure that all bugs are reported in a consistent manner, making it easier for developers to understand and prioritize issues.

1. Trello bug report template

Trello is a widely used, user-friendly project management tool that is ideal for small and medium-sized organizations. To use it for bug tracking, you can create a board called "Bug Tracker" like we have below…

We suggest setting up the following categories to map your bug squashing progress:

  • Reported
  • Can’t Reproduce
  • Planned
  • In Progress
  • Confirm Fix
  • Done
  • Won’t Fix

Then, you can create a Trello card for each bug. Our example below contains much more context, but a well-organized bug report in Trello should at least include the following information:

  • Description of the bug.
  • Steps to reproduce the bug.
  • Screenshots or video recordings of the issue (add this via “Attachments” on your card if you’re on the free plan).
  • Any additional relevant details.

Overall, Trello is a simple and easy-to-use tool that can help you document and track bugs in an organized manner. Here’s the form factor we created on Trello - it only utilizes features available on the free version:

Trello bug report template
Trello bug report template

2. Jira bug report template

Tracking bugs in Jira is unbelievably simple with our Jira integration!
Tracking bugs in Jira is unbelievably simple with our Jira integration!

Jira is a popular tool for reporting and tracking software bugs because it provides a flexible and customizable platform for organizing and prioritizing tasks, as well as tracking the progress of those tasks. It also allows for easy collaboration and communication among team members, making it simple to assign tasks and track their completion.

Additionally, Jira's ability to integrate with other tools, such as source control systems, allows for streamlined workflows and efficient problem-solving. You can use this simple bug report mockup from Jira to get started tracking bugs manually in the platform:

Check out Jira’s bug tracking template here!

But… why would you spend the time it takes to fill out a bug report like the one above over and over again, when you could integrate PlayerZero directly with Jira and hyper-charge your entire incident workflow.

All of the same elements that make a great bug report template on other platforms are present here but in a much more actionable format. Our Jira integration makes it easy to get your developers the context they need to quickly identify the root cause of a bug and get it solved in no time - without having to manually fill out a bug report template.

Now, you can create a Jira bug report directly from a PlayerZero issue - all with just a couple clicks of a button.

How to use the PlayerZero Jira integration
How to use the PlayerZero Jira integration

If your team already uses Jira for your bug reporting workflow, try out our Jira integration for free and feel the difference for yourself!

3. Linear bug report

Linear is a modern bug tracking and project management tool that’s designed to help engineering and product teams track and manage issues and defects in a more efficient and effective way. It allows teams to report and track software defects in one centralized place, which makes it easy to triage, prioritize, and assign tasks - plus track their status.

Linear also provides a clear and simple user interface that allows team members to easily view the status of tasks and collaborate on solutions. Additionally, Linear has a ton of useful features like timelines, roadmaps, and integrations with other tools that allow developers to better understand the context of engineering defects and debug them faster. Linear is designed to help teams improve their development workflow, increase productivity, and deliver more powerful products - which is why so many teams use it to QA report. Below is how we set up our manual bug report template in Linear for your reference:

Linear bug report template
Linear bug report template

4. GitHub bug report template

Many developers today turn to GitHub as their platform of choice for building software alongside their teammates. This is logical since GitHub was designed to facilitate collaboration among developers on code. As the platform has evolved, additional features have been added, making it a nearly comprehensive tool for managing software development projects.

One of the key features of GitHub is an integrated issue tracker, which allows developers to efficiently track and address bugs.

To create a bug report template in GitHub, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the repository where you want to create the template
  2. Click on the "Issues" tab.
  3. Click on the "New issue" button.
  4. In the "Title" field, enter a brief title for the template, such as "Bug Report Template."
  5. In the "Leave a comment" field, write a detailed description of the template, including the information that should be included in a bug report that we listed earlier, including steps to reproduce the bug, expected behavior, and actual behavior.
  6. Use markdown syntax to format the template, for example, to make headings and lists.
  7. Click on the "Preview" tab to preview the template and make sure it looks the way you want it to.
  8. Once you are satisfied with the template, click on the "Submit new issue" button.

From now on, every time someone creates a new issue in the repository, they will see this template and can fill it out accordingly, which would make it easier for developers to understand and reproduce the bugs.

It's also worth noting that GitHub provides a feature called "Issue templates" which allows teams to create templates that can be used to create issues and pull requests automatically. To use this feature you need to create a .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory in your repository and put markdown files inside of it.

Once this is done, GitHub will automatically present the template for the user when creating a new issue. This feature can be especially helpful for teams that handle a lot of bugs, and want to ensure that all the necessary information is provided for each report.

5. Coda bug report template

Coda is a unique and interesting platform for bug reporting and tracking because it’s a versatile and customizable no/low-code platform that allows teams to easily create and manage bug tracking templates, automated workflows, and data visualization. Since Coda is such a flexible platform, both engineers and non-technical employees alike can use it to visualize what’s breaking in their applications - provided that they’re using bug reporting templates that tell an adequate story. This allows teams to quickly create and manage bugs in a standardized way, which can improve the efficiency of the bug tracking process.

Coda also allows teams to create automated workflows to move bugs through different stages of the process, such as from "reported" to "in progress" to "done". This can help teams to stay organized and ensure that bugs are being addressed in a timely manner. We’ve set up the following Coda bug report template to be as simple and easy-to-use as possible, but you can easily add more functionality to it in the form of Kanban board tracking (simply switch the bug squash tables to a board with your desired progress steps to make it fully functional as both a bug reporting template and a bug tracking system).

Make a copy of the Coda bug report template for yourself below:

Coda bug report template
Coda bug report template

Get the Coda bug report template

Coda also includes powerful data visualization features, which can help teams to identify patterns and trends in their bugs, such as which bugs are reported most frequently or which areas of the code are most prone to bugs. This can help teams to prioritize their bug-fixing efforts and make data-driven decisions.

6. GitLab bug report template

GitLab is (perhaps unsurprisingly) very similar to GitHub. QA teams may use GitLab over GitHub for a few reasons. One reason is that GitLab offers built-in continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) capabilities, which can streamline the testing and deployment process for QA teams. This can help to ensure that new code is thoroughly tested before it is deployed to production.

Here’s what an ideal GitLab bug report template looks like:

GitLab bug report template
GitLab bug report template

Creating and submitting a bug report in its entirety can be a time-consuming task, especially if you need to report a large number of bugs in a single testing session. This process can take several hours to complete. However, using a tool like PlayerZero can significantly streamline the process and save you time.

Get Started with PlayerZero for free!

7. Asana bug report template

While overall, Asana is a deeper project management tool than some of the others on this list, many teams like to use it for bug tracking since it’s so well-optimized for keeping track of tasks across an entire team and/or company. Setting up your own bug reporting and tracking solution in Asana is a time-consuming process, as configuring a bug report with all of the technical context engineers need and then templating it can take a tremendous amount of time.

Thankfully, Asana has their own fantastic bug tracking template which pairs fantastically with PlayerZero incident report.

Check out Asana’s bug tracking template here!

Bug tracking in Asana is even easier when you add a custom field for PlayerZero incident report links - with all of the technical context your developers need!

Get Started with PlayerZero for free!

8. Teamwork bug report

Can you use Teamwork for bug and issue tracking? Absolutely! Teamwork for bug and defect tracking is a natural fit, as it’s a project management tool that allows teams to collaborate and organize their work, making it an ideal choice for bug reporting.

Teamwork's calendar and timeline views can help teams to prioritize and schedule bug fixes. The tool also offers a centralized location for storing and organizing customer feedback, which can help developers to understand the impact of bugs on end users. Plus, Teamwork also offers a range of integrations with other tools, such as code repository platforms, so that teams can streamline their workflow and improve collaboration.

Thankfully, Teamwork already has their own bug tracking template - which, while relatively thin on crucial context, can be made actionable by adding a link to a PlayerZero issue. Simply by copying and pasting a PlayerZero issue page link into a Teamwork bug report, you’ll have all the important technical context that your developers need to get it resolved without having to take the time to build out a custom bug tracking system on the platform.

Try Teamwork’s bug tracking template

9. Slack bug reports

Slack is where a lot of product and engineering teams spend their time on a day-to-day basis as it’s one of the most popular and widely-used internal communication tools on the planet. Here at PlayerZero, we’re huge fans of Slack and use it to manage many of our internal product quality initiatives.

Teams can use Slack to report and discuss bugs, as well as share updates and collaborate on solutions. Slack's channels and direct messaging features allow for easy communication and collaboration among team members, and its integration with other tools such as code repository platforms, project management tools, and application observability tools like PlayerZero can help teams to streamline their workflow and improve collaboration. Therefore, it’s only logical that some teams want to manage their bug reporting and tracking process in Slack end-to-end.

Using Slack to report a bug is a naturally tedious process (as anyone who’s ever tried to upload a video to Slack is sure to know). Thankfully, you can build PlayerZero directly into your communication workflow with our Slack integration! Easily stay up to date on what’s happening in your application with custom notifications and channels.

Learn more about PlayerZero’s Slack integration

10. Monday bug tracker template

Overall, if leveraged properly, Monday provides a comprehensive solution for bug reporting, project management, and team collaboration, which can make it an ideal choice for many organizations. Whether you and your team are already Monday users, the platform makes it easy to get started with their own fantastic pre-built bug tracking template.

With PlayerZero in tandem with Monday’s pre-built bug report templates, technical details such as browser version, operating system, screen size, and zoom level are automatically included in the link and can be added to the task without any additional effort on your part. Additionally, console logs are also included in your PlayerZero issue link, providing all necessary information in one central location.

Try Monday’s bug reporting template

11. ClickUp bug report

ClickUp is a project management tool that allows teams to collaborate and organize their work, making it an ideal choice for product & QA teams to use for bug reporting. ClickUp's task management system allows product & QA teams to create, assign, and track tasks related to bug reporting and its integration with other tools can help teams to streamline their workflow, collaborate and improve efficiency.

Reporting bugs in Clickup is as easy as can be thanks to their pre-made bug report template:

Try Clickup’s bug report template

12. Wrike bug report

A team may use Wrike for bug reporting because it provides a collaborative platform for managing tasks and projects. Wrike allows team members to easily track and report bugs, assign them to specific team members, set priorities, and track the progress of each bug until it is resolved. It also offers a centralized location for all team members to view and update bug reports, making it easy for everyone to stay informed and on the same page.

Here’s how we structured our bug report template in Wrike:

Wrike bug report template
Wrike bug report template

Simply select the “Software Development” template when you go to start a new workspace. You can add the above information to each bug to track all relevant context around it as it progresses through the following stages:

  • Incoming Bugs
  • Dev Backlog
  • Current Sprint
  • Sprint Archive
  • Team Meetings

However, while this bug reporting framework works and provides all the necessary context developers need, it’s a real pain in the butt to copy over and over again and fill out for each new bug that you want to track. To speed up your process, simply add the “Software Development” bug tracking template in Wrike to get all of the bug tracking capabilities that you need, and attach an issue report from PlayerZero to each bug you add to get all of the context you’d have to fill out manually otherwise with a click of a button!

Get Started with PlayerZero for free!

13. Bug report template Google Sheets

Using Google Sheets for bug reporting allows teams to create simple and easily accessible spreadsheet-based bug reporting & tracking systems where they can track and organize bugs. Since it’s a familiar and commonly used tool that most team members are likely to be familiar with, using a platform like Google Sheets for bug tracking can be useful for cross-functional teams. Google Sheets can be easily shared and edited by multiple team members in real-time with full retrospective clarity, making it an efficient tool for collaborating and communicating about bugs.

You can make a copy of our Google Sheets bug report template below to start tracking your bugs today:

Google Sheets bug report template
Google Sheets bug report template

Get the Google Sheets bug report template

14. Microsoft Excel bug report

Using a spreadsheet to document and track bugs can be a tedious task, especially for larger teams. However, smaller teams can still utilize this method by creating a consistent template that is agreed upon by all members of the organization.

This template should include all necessary information for reporting bugs in an organized manner. Use this problem report template to keep your team on track:

Download the Microsoft Excel bug report template

15. Google Docs bug report template

Google Docs’ collaborative nature makes it a useful choice for QA teams to use for bug reporting. Google Docs can be used to create and share documents with the whole team, and track comments and revisions, which can help QA teams collaborate and organize the reporting process, and make sure that all the important information is in one place and accessible to the whole team in a format they can easily access. The template below does a great job of including all the crucial information we talked about earlier:

Google Docs bug report template
Google Docs bug report template

Make a copy of the Google Docs bug report template

However, while the template below might get the job done for small teams, it’s still an unnecessarily large time sink that can easily be made more efficient with PlayerZero.

Learn more about how PlayerZero can make debugging simple for your team.

16. Microsoft Word bug report template

Microsoft Word is one of the most fundamental pieces of software of the last several decades, so it’s not surprising that some teams still use it to manage their bug reporting process. This template is very similar to the previous Google Docs bug report template, use it to manage your bug tracking:

Download the Microsoft Word bug report template

17. PDF bug report template

Managing your QA reporting via PDF document is similar to the process for reporting issues in a Microsoft Word document. Although PDFs are among the least versatile of file types, they may be a mandatory format within certain organizations. If this applies to you (or if you just really like filling out bug reports by hand for some reason), you’re welcome to use the template below!

A PDF version of the template can be downloaded here.

18. Intercom bug report

Intercom is a customer communication and support platform that allows teams to manage customer interactions and feedback in a centralized location, making it an ideal choice for bug reporting and tracking. Teams can use Intercom to receive bug reports from customers and track their progress, as well as collaborate with other team members on resolving the issues, which can help to improve customer satisfaction and the overall user experience.

Thankfully, now you can integrate PlayerZero directly into your support workflow with our Intercom integration! Until now, surfacing bugs via your users with Intercom and tracking down their root cause required a ton of back-and-forth communication, ruining your user’s experience by forcing them to help you reproduce a bug that’s already inconvenienced them. But now, you have two options for how to set up bug reports with PlayerZero and Intercom:

  1. When a customer experiences a bug, you can send a PlayerZero button directly to them in-chat so that they can report the bug and all of its technical context with a single click.
  2. You can automate the whole process by configuring the integration to automatically send an “Upload Report” button based on a custom trigger command in your Intercom chat.

Learn more about how to integrate PlayerZero with Intercom

19. Zendesk bug report

Much like Intercom, Zendesk is a platform that allows product and engineering teams to stay closer to their users. Since most users of a platform have less technical knowledge than the teams behind it, it can be very hard to accurately glean actionable insights from customer bug reports through Zendesk.

Thankfully, instrumenting PlayerZero in your application allows you to passively collect user session information every time a user runs into a particular bug, so that by the time it’s reported by a customer, your team’s already got a fix in the pipeline!

20. Bug report email template

There are a lot of reasons not to use email for your QA reporting - inefficiency, lack of structure, no traceability and the absence of integration potential. However, given that email remains among the most popular methods of communication on the web, there are situations where having an email bug report template on-hand makes sense.

.txt file bug report template for email applications
.txt file bug report template for email applications

Get the bug report template .txt file for email

21. Figma bug report

Figma is a design collaboration tool that allows teams to work on the same design files simultaneously, making it an ideal choice for bug reporting and tracking. Teams and/or their clients can use Figma to report and track bugs related to the UI of a site natively in Figma design files - by adding comments, annotations, and user feedback directly on the design files, which can help to ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the problem and the proposed solution. This can be especially useful for teams who work directly with clients on website builds in which the client is familiar with Figma.

Below is a Figma bug report template that we built for you. Simply make a copy of it to get started!

Get the Figma bug report template here

22. Notion bug report

Some QA teams may use Notion for bug reporting because it allows them to easily create a centralized database of bugs, where they can track the status of each one and assign them to team members. Additionally, Notion offers a range of customization options, such as the ability to add comments and attachments, which can aid in the debugging process.

Since Notion’s a no-code tool which is easily accessible to non-technical and technical team members alike, many product teams already use it for managing their product roadmap and user feedback, therefore, extending its use to reporting and tracking bugs could make a lot of sense for cross-functional teams.

Try the Notion bug report template here

23. Airtable bug report

Airtable is a flexible and user-friendly tool that’s beloved by users for its customizability, its collaborative features, its easy-to-use integrations, its in-built formulas and automations, and its simple to set up reporting and analytics. Many users who would be intimidated by writing code or markdown for the purpose of setting up and maintaining a bug tracking system will find a fantastic solution in Airtable’s familiar spreadsheet design.

This bug report template from Airtable allows teams to easily track and manage bugs by providing a centralized location for storing and organizing customer feedback, steps to reproduce the bug, expected behavior, and actual behavior:

Get the Airtable bug reporting template here

To make this template even more actionable, try copying and pasting a PlayerZero issue link in a custom field to deliver your engineers all the context they could possibly need to reproduce and squash the bug!

Get Started with PlayerZero for free!

24. Pipefy bug report template

Some teams may use Pipefy for bug reporting because it provides a centralized platform for tracking and managing bugs, allowing team members to easily report, assign, and prioritize issues. Additionally, Pipefy's workflow management tools can help streamline the bug resolution process and ensure that all bugs are addressed in a timely manner.

Thankfully, Pipefy has a fantastic bug tracking system template that they offer for all of their users. Organizing bug tracking systems around a kanban board is a favorite of many teams as it allows them to quickly reflect changes in the status of bugs directly by simply dragging a bug’s card to its current status in the same way that many teams organize their sprints.

Try Pipefy’s bug tracking template

Now, you could build out each card to contain all of the relevant information for the corresponding bug, but that would be a time consuming and inefficient process. Instead, why not simply attach a PlayerZero issue report?

25. Plaky report template

As a completely free task management tool, early-stage startups, consultants, and creator-led development teams often use Plaky to manage their debugging process. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to set up a strong bug tracking system in Plaky with their agile development template. Below is a custom template that we set up from Plaky’s generic template, showing you how you can set up the platform to contain all of the crucial information your developers need:

Plaky bug report template
Plaky bug report template

Set up your own bug tracking system like the one above by adding the following fields to the generic Plaky bug tracking template:

  • Bug name (title)
  • Steps to reproduce
  • What’s this blocking?
  • Platform/OS
  • Browser

Or, you could just add one additional field for issue report links from PlayerZero, and get all of this context in a single click.

Get the Plaky bug report template

Debug any issue down to the line of code
and make sure it never happens again.
Debug any issue down to the line of code and make sure it never happens again.
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